Speaker Measurement Software specifically built for Loudspeaker Engineers, by Loudspeaker Engineers!

Highly Accurate, Fast, and Easy to Use!

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Speaker Measurement Software designed specifically to help loudspeaker engineers and designers improve their designs and get them to market, faster! 

LOUDSOFT has developed FINE R+D and FINE QC Speaker Measurement Systems using our 45 plus years of industry experience. We fully understand the needs, and frustrations of speaker designers, often using complex tools not specifically designed for their needs, that are hard to use, and/or waiting for slow and often inaccurate results. 

The FINE R+D Acoustic Audio Analyzer can measure with 3 microphones up to ~100kHz in NORMAL Rooms. Expensive Anechoic rooms are no longer needed. 

FINE QC includes the self-learning Rub & Buzz method FINEBuzz, which is proven by several customers as the best in the industry replacing human testing. Our customers say: “See what You Hear with FINE QC.” 

LOUDSOFT’s Speaker Measurement Software is designed specifically for Speaker Engineers and Designers, by our Loudspeaker Engineers, to meet their exact needs. As a consequence, many of the leading sound and speaker companies use our products. Examples include, Devore FidelityWet Sounds,  Audio Technology, JL Audio (Gramin)BravoxKygo Life, and many more!  

We ensure our Test and Measurement tools are intuitive and easy to use, that they are highly accurate so you can trust your results, and that they deliver results quickly, often literally within seconds. These factors save you time, frustration and money, allow you to improve your designs faster and get them to market faster, before your competitors!   

LOUDSOFT's Speaker Measurement Software:

Acoustic Audio Analyzer System
View ALL files from FINE R+D
Speaker & Headset Audio Test System

View ALL files from Fine QC Test System

Speaker Measurement Software - LOUDSOFT's Promises

High Quality

Accurate results, guaranteed!


Results in 1 to 20 seconds!

Easy to use

Intuitive to use, no training necessary!